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希望大家可以積極參與這個10万步慈善徒步 可以讓你出一身體汗 也可以做慈善 何樂而不為呢 Jack Lim’s maxim... “Charity sees the needs, not the cause” opined Jack, a gentleman with a magnanimous heart of gold🌹 Join the McM Cares charity programme for the • 100,000 Steps Challenge • on 9-11-2019 as a tribute to the virtually impaired individuals. • Qualifying medal is 10,000 steps • For direct registration, please go online https://t2u.asia/e/15057

希望大家可以積極參與這個10万步慈善徒步 可以讓你出一身體汗 也可以做慈善 何樂而不為呢 Jack...